Thursday 7 March 2013

13GP: 2 bits of homework today. Firstly, read the Economist debate i gave you on intervenion in Syria. Secondly, provide an extended answer to this question: Why could the term 'humanitarian intervention' be viewed as an oxymoron? (35) See guidance below on the word 'oxymoron'.

An oxymoron is a phrase which includes apparently/possibly contradictory terms. 

Here are some common examples of oxymoronic expressions: act naturally, random order, original copy, conspicuous absence, found missing, alone together, criminal justice, old news, peace force, even odds, awful good, student teacher, deafening silence, definite possibility, definite maybe, terribly pleased, ill health, turn up missing, jumbo shrimp, loose tights, small crowd, and clearly misunderstood.

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