Tuesday 13 December 2011

13GP: These are the key questions that we discussed today for conservatism and poverty.

Conservatism discussion points
1. Why, and to what extent, have conservatives supported tradition?
2. Is conservatism a ‘disposition’ rather than a political ideology?
3. Why has conservatism been described as a philosophy of imperfection?
4. How does the conservative view of property differ from the liberal view?
5. How far do conservatives go in endorsing authority?
6. Is conservatism merely ruling class ideology?
7. What is the link between conservatism and paternalism?
8. how and why have conservatives of the new right criticised welfare?
9. To what extent are neoliberalism and neoconservatism compatible?

Poverty discussion points
1. Why does the difference between absolute and relative definitions of poverty matter?
2. Explain the orthodox approach to development
3. Explain the alternative view of development
4. “The north south divide is obsolete.” Discuss.
5. “Western governments should focus on reducing poverty rather than corruption.” Discuss.
6. IMF and World Bank: solution or problem?
7. “Recent attempts to alleviate poverty have failed.” Discuss.
8. Without debt relief, the poverty trap will never be broken.

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