Wednesday 7 March 2012

10Hi: The Nazis, a Warning from History, Episode 1, Part 1 (you can find the rest from this clip)

GP13: Homework 060312: Do 2 15 mark questions from the list below, or the 45 mark question.

15 mark questions

Why has anarchism been linked to utopianism? (15, sample paper
Why have some anarchists favoured capitalism? (15, sample paper)
Explain the link between anarchism and collectivism (15, Jan10)
Why have anarchists viewed the state as inherently evil and oppressive? (15, Jan10)
On what grounds do anarchists believe in the possibility of a stateless society? (15, June10)

45 mark questions
‘Anarchism is merely free market liberalism taken to its extreme.’ Discuss. (45, Jan11)

Thursday 1 March 2012

13GP: Amnesty International video on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

12Ec: Quantitative easing

Friday's homework is to investigate the government's current policy of quantitative easing. I want you to write two paragaphs (and use diagrams where appropriate).

1. What is the purpose of quantitative easing?
2. Is quantitative easing working? This is a very difficult question, but you can approach it my mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of the quantitive easing.

Start with the bank of England's own explanation of QE, which includes a video. Click HERE

12Ec: Supply side policies.

Thursday's homework is to watch and make notes on the excellent video below